Intercon Truck of Baltimore and Intercon Truck Equipment of Philadelphia both install and maintain the full line of Ranger Design Van Shelving, Ladder Racks, and Partitions . Our customers can order genuine Ranger Design replacement parts from our Joppa, Maryland or Philadelphia, Pennsylvania locations.
What You'll Need
Intercon Truck wants to make ordering Ranger Design replacement parts as easy as possible. As such, we asked Ranger directly about the best way to go about getting replacement parts, and the representative said:
“Ordering replacement parts is very easy! All the Customer would have to do is send as much information about their Ranger unit as they know, and what parts they will be needing; easiest way, send us as many pictures or as long of an explanation as you feel necessary, in order to ensure we understand what you have and what you need.
All that information can be sent directly to us at [email protected]. Once we tell the customer what they need, they can call up a licensed Ranger Design distributor, and purchase the parts!“
Ways to Order
Once you have been advised by Ranger on what specific parts you need, contact us via either of the methods below, and we can get your parts ordered!